The Place


This Broadway actress and movie star says speaking up is your superpower

Posted at 1:48 PM, Feb 07, 2024
and last updated 2024-02-07 15:48:31-05

Renée Marino is a Broadway actress, the star of Clint Eastwood's "Jersey Boys", as well as leading connection expert and international speaker in the U.S.

Renée joined Jenny Hardman to discuss the power of connection and why speaking up is your superpower.

Renée’s best-selling book,Becoming a Master Communicator: Balancing New School Technology with Ol’ School Simplicitychampions the power of genuine interactions in a world increasingly reliant on digital communication.

Her SIMPLE 7-Step C.O.N.N.E.C.T METHOD offers fresh, actionable insights for thriving in a digitally-dominated era.