The Place


Walk, run or roll to show your support for Friends of the Children Utah

Posted at 1:24 PM, Jun 06, 2022
and last updated 2022-06-23 15:51:42-04

You still have time to walk, run or roll for Friends of the Children Utah!

The fundraiser has been going on for a month, but there's still time to get involved. Steps for Change 2022 goes through June 10.

Friends of the Children–Utah is part of a national network of Friends of the Children chapters across the United States. The organization works with community partners like Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah in creative ways to be poverty disrupters.

Children are connected to a Friend, who is a paid, professional mentor to help the children develop their own unique talents, despite challenges such as poverty or health and safety barriers.

Friends of the Children say it's proven that this interaction makes a difference:

• 98% of Friends youth wait to be a parent until after their teen years vs. 15% of their caregivers
• 93% of Friends youth avoid the juvenile justice system vs. 40% of their caregivers.
• 83% of Friends youth graduate from High School and/or get a GED vs. 50% of their caregivers.

This year there are big goals for Steps for Change. They're hopping to raise $25,000 and log 12,000 miles.

You're invited to an event to celebrate the fundraiser on June 10 from 4-7pm at Liberty Park.

You can learn more and get involved at