The Place


Who will in the "Big Game"? We asked Rose the armadillo to decide

Posted at 1:46 PM, Feb 06, 2024
and last updated 2024-02-06 15:46:41-05

Will it be the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers?

Rose the armadillo from the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium joined us in studio but couldn't decide who she wanted to win.

The armadillo isn't the only animal at the Aquarium getting in on the pre-game activities.

Their resident Komodo dragon Raja predicted that it would be the 49ers who come out on top.

Raja's pick contrasts the Aquarium's 2020 pick when the Chiefs and the 49ers first played for the championship.

Four years ago, Takoda, the Aquarium's Linneaus's two-towed sloth picked the Chiefs.

The big game picks are not only a fun tradition, but they also provide enrichment activities for the animals explained Ashley Kerbs, the Assistant Curator of Animal Ambassadors explained.

She also told us about a fun 21+ event coming up on Saturday, February 10, 2024. Raise a Glass and Make a Splash at Sips Under the Sea. The event is from 7-9pm and you can click hereto reserve your spot.

For more information please visit