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Who's eligible for COVID-19 booster shots?

Posted at 5:06 PM, Oct 04, 2021
and last updated 2021-10-04 19:21:35-04

FARMINGTON, Utah — In one week, tens of thousands of Utahns rolled up their sleeves for the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, many more might not realize they’re eligible.

“We are protected good so we can see our grandkids and go to … restaurants and places with people,” said Carl Lubeck, who came to the Legacy Center for his third dose with his wife and brother-in-law.

“We have a little granddaughter that has heart problems, so we want to be able not to pass anything on to her,” June Lubeck said.

The Davis County mass clinic reopened last week after the FDA and CDC approved the Pfizer vaccine for a third jab.

“Demand is definitely there for that. You go on our scheduling system now and we are pretty much booked out until the end of October,” Davis County Health Department spokesperson Trevor Warner said.

People 65 and older and those at high risk for complications are eligible six months after their second dose.

People who could get COVID at work are also included. But who are they, exactly?

The CDC announced a list of nine frontline workers eligible for the booster shot: first responders (including healthcare workers, firefighters, police and congregate care staff), educators, day-care workers, food and agriculture workers, manufacturing workers, corrections workers, US Postal Service workers, public transit workers and grocery store workers.

“It’s all on the honor system,” Warner said.

Within the last week in Utah, nearly 32,000 people have received their third dose, according to the Utah Department of Health. The vast majority, 78 percent, are aged 65 and older.

Studies show the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine wanes over time.

Right now, the CDC has only approved Pfizer for the third dose. Johnson and Johnson is expected to ask the FDA for emergency approval for a second shot later this week.